NZ Literature’s Premier Father & Daughter Act…

…this was the way that Steve Braunias, chair of ‘Our Monied World’ introduced his two guests, CK Stead & Charlotte Grimshaw. And indeed they probably are.

Apparently this was their first ever double-act event; there was lively chat, a bit of mutual appreciation, a few tit-bits about growing up in the Stead household and a cute story about the young Charlotte engaging in a staring-match with the very much older James K Baxter. And of course there was money, class, politics and whether the character of David Hallwright in Soon is based on John Key. Apparently not, although there was an acknowledgement that some of the similarities are there.

There is a sequel to Soon in the pipeline but this time looking more closely at the media. Steve Braunias looked a bit uncomfortable at this point…